Victor Negron III
In 2015, I fulfilled a life-long dream of becoming a firefighter. After receiving the scholarship through high school and two years of college, I was one of 18 recruits to join the ranks of the Jersey City Fire Department. The Jefferies Family Scholarship assisted me in this journey.
In a newspaper article following the induction ceremony, Fire Chief Darren Rivers, was quoted as saying, “This is a great day for the Jersey City Fire Department…It’s tough getting here. It’s a very competitive position, and for (the new firefighters to be able to make it to this point is an incredible accomplishment. Nearly 8,000 people took the firefighters test on this list and maybe 100 were hired so it’s the cream of the crop, we’re getting the best of the best.”
There is an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction to get to do what I do. As an emergency response professional, it’s my duty to protect lives and the community. In order to perform my job well I have sought specialized training, certifications, professional development and opportunities to improve my skills. This award has inspired me to continue challenging myself to further advance in ranks within the fire department.
The best thing is sharing all of my accomplishments with my wife. Following my joining the JCFD, I married my best friend and I am glad to have my wife’s encouragement in pursing my passions.
I am grateful for the Jefferies Family Scholarship. Thank you for your continued support to the community.