Kenneth Sandoval
First, I would like to thank the Jefferies Family Scholarship for granting me the honor of a scholarship last year. Upon receiving this scholarship, I feel as one of my worries for the future has been lifted, and I can focus solely on putting effort into my studies. More personally prevalent than the monetary value of holding such a scholarship, is the pride that comes from earning it. I feel as if the scholarship itself is proof of what I have struggled for and serves as a reminder of what I can accomplish in the future.
I am majoring in Computer Science in Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Since elementary school, I have been interested in mathematics and problem solving. I was an active member of my high school’s Academic Team and Math Team while also leading as the head programmer of Computer Club’s development group. Additionally, I competed in the Vex Robotics Competition with the Robotics Club. In my spare time, I develope video games, as my true aspiration is to one day be a full time game developer.
Thank you again for giving me this scholarship.