Eric Lee
As a graduate student attending Columbia University for a M.A. in East Asian Languages and Cultures program, I am hoping to advance into the Ph.D. program. I originally came to the U.S. from Manchuria, Northeast China, after graduating from elementary school. My childhood upbringing in China has greatly influenced my current interests in researching the history of medieval China from roughly the seventh to fourteenth century. I acquired my B.A. from Binghamton University, SUNY. While at Binghamton, I worked closely with my mentor, Dr. John Chaffee, who specializes in the Song (960-1279) social and political history, and recently has completed editing the topical volume of Cambridge History of China on Song dynasty. Over the past four years, I have done research on women in Song court politics, international trade under the Song, and political corruption under the Song. At Columbia, I hope to continue my research in these topics, finding a way to combine them together. Of course, research is not all that I care about; that would be too stoic of a life. When I am tired from my research, I like to practice calligraphy, drink tea, and go sightseeing with friends. I am really grateful for Jefferies Family Scholarship in supporting my education.