Danny Ulhar
Over the course of my undergraduate career as a student of Environmental Science, I have made some fundamental realizations regarding college success. Aside from motivation, hard work, and sheer determination, one of the most important components to one’s educational success is financial security. Investing financially in your education, combined with the necessary psychological and intellectual qualities to accomplish a degree, is nothing short of promising.
But it is important to bear in mind that there are people in this world who are unable to afford the privilege of paying for their education, and ultimately drop out of college. The circumstances of individuals who carry all the necessary internal qualities of a successful student, but simply can’t afford to pay tuition, is a tragedy I would have faced if it were not for this scholarship program.
The Jefferies Family Scholarship, creates a bridge over the gap of misfortune. Five years ago, I was a freshman, now I am a Program Assistant employed at a Joint Powers Government Energy Agency, working on Energy Efficiency and Community Choice Aggregation.
I want to express my deepest gratitude for this program’s efforts in helping to ensure my educational success. Thank you Jefferies Family Scholarship!